Healthcare Team

Health Visitors

Health Visitors can be contacted on the number below. If they are not in their office when you ring you will be able to leave a message on their answerphone. They are primarily concerned with the under fives and also have a role in supporting the family.

Tel: 02380 673950


Community Nurses

The Practice has a community nursing team linked to the surgery. They can be contacted on the telephone number below. The team has very close links with the doctors and they visit the surgery several times a day to liaise with the doctors and staff. The doctors can ask them to care for patients in their own homes. The community nurses also work alongside our practice nurses ensuring continuity of care.

Tel: 0300 121 0173 (For housebound patients only)


Community Midwife

The Practice has two attached community midwives. Along with the doctors they provide antenatal care and visit patients after they have had their babies. They too have close links with the doctors and visit the surgery regularly to pick up messages.

Tel: 02380 612472